Mobile Dental Fillings

Sharp teeth and broken teeth can irritate the tongue and cheek causing pain and undue stress. Most people will need at least one filling during their lifetime. We offer on-site x-rays, and carry out drilling and filling from the comfort of your aged care facility or nursing home.

Why choose a filling over a crown or extraction?

Why Choose a Filling Over a Crown or Extraction?

Fillings are relatively inexpensive compared to a crown and can be completed efficiently in a single visit. They often provide immediate relief to a problem and with advancement in technology can match a tooth in colour closely. Often a tooth is important to keep so people can chew and smile and a filling may prolong its longevity compared to an extraction. With age, the nerve of the tooth shrinks away or dies so fillings can often be completed without any Anesthetic or needle.


When is a Filling Recommended?

After an examination, a dentist will perform an x-ray if anything looks abnormal, discoloured, defective, or if a patient is experiencing tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperature changes. Upon close examination of the x-ray, a filling may be recommended.

Who Needs Fillings?

How Is the Procedure Done?

Benefits of Fillings

The exact procedure depends on the amount of decay and the type of filling being done. A filling typically begins with local anesthesia applied to the affected area to numb it.

Next, a drill is used to cut through the enamel and remove decay before the dentist fills the area using the proper material. Certain types of composite fillings are hardened using a special light. Lastly, the tooth is polished to remove any sharp edges.


Benefits of Fillings

Dental fillings are an essential, common procedure for many patients who are dealing with tooth decay as the issue will continue to get worse without proper treatment. Fillings reduce the risk of infection, restore the tooth’s shape and function, prevent the spread of tooth decay, and can help a patient keep a tooth. If fillings are put off, tooth decay may get so bad that a tooth replacement or root canal is required later on.

How Is A Filling Done?
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The recovery process after a filling is typically short. Most patients are functioning again normally within several hours of a filling. Some sensitivity is normal for the first day or two, but if you are still experiencing pain after two weeks, contact your dentist.

It is typically painless to get a filling. After the procedures, the affected area may be numb for several hours.

We create beautiful smiles with our experienced dental team!

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